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I've been doing this over 20 years. And trust me, there are no such thing as "dumb" questions. You're here because you own or operate a business. You want to hire a designer who understands your needs. You want a designer who knows what she is doing. But you also have questions about the process of branding, logo, packaging, advertising, SEO, website, human-scale or interior design. So let's see if I can answer your questions as you research me as a potential collaborator.

Excuse me, I have a ? or two...or three.

What is your hourly rate?

My current hourly rates are located here. I offer a standard (you wait your turn in line) and rushed rate. This gives options for your project if you need it done yesterday or in the future. Most choose standard and plan accordingly.

What is your design process?

Great ?


After you review and sign a contract and pay a retainer towards the project. I can get you on the schedule.


I design in phases. Meaning I will gather all info, your design inspiration homework and then spend a certain amount of time on phase 1. Then I'll send you proofs to show the the directions I'm designing. So you'll see how my mind works, you'll be able to choose fonts, icons, merge concepts and make choices about style. Then I'll spend more time based on your design feedback with phase 2. We will meet again with new proofs and you will make more decisions about these options. 


I love working this way. First because you see how I'm using your time and budget to get you a truly custom designed logo / website / advertising / floor plan. And second is you and I collaborate with our combined expertise. You with your business. Me with fabulous design.

How much time will my project take?

That ? is as complex as describing what makes you unique versus your neighbor. But the short answer is it varies with each company and design project.


On average the standard packaging design takes 10-15 hours.

A custom logo takes around 13-18 hours.

Advertising graphics about 1-2 hours.

And social media ads with advertising text written by me is 3 per hour.

Websites tend to be 15-20 hours. 


All of this depends on the complexity of information, graphics, and how well you prepare the content for me. Plus how good you are about making decisions. Some projects can take less than average, some more.

When can we start my design project?

I am currently booked out approximately 2-3 weeks.

The sooner you contact me, the better to get you in my schedule. 801-232-6877

What services do you offer?

I'm a designer of logos.


I'm a designer of websites.


I'm a photographer.


I'm a content writer.


I'm a designer of interior and exterior homes.


I'm a designer of human-scale experiences. Like restaurants and retail spaces.


I'm a videographer.


I basically solve visual problems in print, digital and life-size formats. And I offer this to locals here in Salt Lake City, Utah, the United States and even foreign countries.

Why did you decide to start your business?

For me, offering custom design to entrepreneurs, companies and individuals came organically. I honestly thrive in the corporate realm of graphic designers and art directors. I used to be 100% immersed in it. And I've been asked to work full time for individual clients or even partner in their business! I even had a job created out of thin air by because they wanted me to overhaul their company.


For me, family comes first. From the beginning of choosing this career, the plan was starting my own business. Being a mom to my two kids is priority #1. Owning my own graphic design studio allows me the freedom to work from home and watch my kids grow up at the same time. Although they are now 10 and 13... 


I'm fast at what I do. I've been at this for over 20 years. But I've been a creative my entire life. 


I first designed print material in 1998. Then digital interactive programs in 2000-2003. The first home I designed was for Habitat for Humanity, which won a national award and was built for deserving families in Georgia in 2002. I've studied design and have several degrees from BYU-Idaho. My first degree is in custom home / residential design. My second is in graphic design. My minor is in advertising. So besides the years of working as a graphic designer and art director here in Murray Utah, I have professional education to back it up.


My passion lies in design itself. I don't need to make a quota. I don't make a dime "selling" monthly services or web hosting. I just charge for my time. And my time is one of the most precious things I have to give...along with my stunning personality. 


I look forward to working with you. I will bring beautiful and thoughtful design to your project. I've had my own small business, full-time since 2008.

Is that really your eye color?

You'd be surprised how much conversation is started just based on my eyes. Yes, they are really that color: green, aqua, blue with slices of gold and bronze. Thank you ancestors! I've always thought that eyes are everyone's best feature. I am a person that will look you straight in the eye and connect. I can discern motives through a person's eyes. And you can discern mine. That's one of the reasons I chose as my tagline: what you see is what you get. 


Graphic design is a lot like the eyes. Dynamic, colorful and a glimpse into the soul of a company.

Can we talk?


Until then, here's a quick 1 minute video. I designed it for social media and it's my way of saying "ciao"...until we officially meet.

And when you're ready, my digits are 801-232-6877. Call or text.


Jenalee Marshall, graphic designer

Jenalee Design LLC


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© 2025 by Jenalee Marshall in Salt Lake City, Utah. Proud veteran supporter and military spouse.

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